Build with gfortran on Mac
Environment Construction
First, install brew on a terminal.
% /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
At the end of the installation, “====> Next steps:” appears, indicating the work to be done after the installation. If it indicates that you need to add a description to the .zprofile, follow the instructions. After that, update the package as follows.
% brew update
% brew upgrade
Then, install gfortran and gnuplot.
% brew install gfortran
% brew install gnuplot
Build for AkaiKKR
After creating a working directory for AkaiKKR, use “cd” to move there.
% mkdir AkaiKKR
% cd AkaiKKR
Put the latest version of AkaiKKR you downloaded into the AkaiKKR directory you created. After extracting the file, use “cd” to move to the extracted directory.
% tar zxvf cpa2021v01.tgz
% cd cpa2021
Then, open the makefile with your favorite editor such as “vi”, “nano”, etc. Followings are lines 15 and 16.
fort = ifort
#fort = gfortran
Add “#” to the beginning of line 15 and delete “#” from the beginning of line 16.
#fort = ifort
fort = gfortran
This operation switches the compiler from ifort to gfortran. After editing, save and exit. Then, build.
% make
% make gpd
% make spc
If executables “specx”, “gpd”, and “spc” are present, the build has succeeded.
Operation Check
The operation can be checked by executing the following command in the directory where the build was performed.
$ ./specx < in/fe