Build with gfortran on Linux
Environment Construction
First, we install make and gnuplot. If you are using a RedHat distribution such as CentOS, execute commands as follows.
$ sudo yum install "Developer Tools"
$ sudo yum install gcc-gfortran libgfortran
$ sudo yum install gnuplot
If you are using a Debian distribution such as Debien and Ubuntu, execute commands as follows.
$ sudo apt install build-essential
$ sudo apt install gfortran
$ sudo apt install gnuplot
Build for AkaiKKR
After creating a working directory for AkaiKKR, use “cd” to move there.
% mkdir AkaiKKR
% cd AkaiKKR
Put the latest version of AkaiKKR you downloaded into the AkaiKKR directory you created. After extracting the file, use “cd” to move to the extracted directory.
% tar zxvf cpa2021v01.tgz
% cd cpa2021
Then, open the makefile with your favorite editor such as “vi”, “emacs”, “nano”, etc. Followings are lines 15 and 16.
fort = ifort
#fort = gfortran
Add “#” to the beginning of line 15 and delete “#” from the beginning of line 16.
#fort = ifort
fort = gfortran
This operation switches the compiler from ifort to gfortran. After editing, save and exit. Then, build.
% make
% make gpd
% make spc
Build is done with the following commands.
Operation Check
The operation can be checked by executing the following command in the directory where the build was performed.
$ ./specx < in/fe